Monday, February 14, 2011

thanks to all.....

Pada permulaan article sebelum nie "the money revolution" aku ader ucapkan terima kasih kat sorang member aku nie sebab berikan idea untuk tulis pasal revolution tuu, sebelum aku terlupa, aku jgk nak ucapkan terima kasih utk sorang lagi kawan aku nie(nama dirahsiakan)..hahah, tapi "Nan"(bukan nama sebenar) tq coz also remain me about the revolution. As the revolution happen this blog also will join the revolution maybe starting this may inshaAllah. Right now maybe my blog is all about the story telling base on my imagination regarding to the current daily life coz everyone even I’m are taking place in "debt, tax, inflation, and soon maybe retirement", and also remember that all this 4 kind of method is willing to make all of us poor and maybe even poorer and the worst part is we all maybe being wiped up…….but don't need to panic the surprise yang aku sebutkan dalam article sebelum nie is maybe in military word is one of the weapon to prevent all that stuff.



ayuorked said...

done2 :) keep in touch :)

Dda Ly said...

nanti da success leh bg tips ye?? nak jgak revolution nih..:)

~my latest entry~

Azri Deris said...

alright....memang revolution utk semua....;)

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