Saturday, January 15, 2011

Educational loaD

Dalam mata pelajaran fizik kita pasti familiar dengan type of load nie;

* Transverse loading
- Forces applied perpendicularly to the longitudinal axis of a member. Transverse loading causes the member to bend and deflect from its original position, with internal tensile and compressive strains accompanying change in curvature.
* Axial loading - The applied forces are collinear with the longitudinal axes of the members. The forces cause the member to either stretch or shorten.
* Torsional loading - Twisting action caused by a pair of externally applied equal and oppositely directed couples acting in a parallel planes or by a single external couple applied to a member that has one end fixed against rotation.

when this three load been applied into something, the equation use to solve the problem is ∑F=0

Tapi bila bercerita tentang educational loaD kita mesti familiar jenis2 pinjaman pelajaran yang diberikan kerajaan seperti MARA & PTPTN, dan yang paling famous sekali semestinya PTPTN ler...

Yang menariknya kedua2 loaD nie ada persamaannya, masing2 bertukar cam cerita kamen rider tue bila kita dpt 4.00, tp apa yang membezakannya adalah MARA memberikan pengurangan bayaran(discount) pada setiap peminjam dengan kadar yang di tetapkan, manakala PTPTN plk mengenakan interest kepada peminjam. Now it between interest and discount.

So MARA is discount, PTPTN is interest

Sebelum aku pergi lebih lanjut, ak nak tegaskan disini bukan niat ak nak bandingkan kedua2 agensi nie, malah dengan kesempatan nie aku nak ucapkan berbanyak-banyak terima kasih kat diorang sebab menyediakan dana untuk kita semua menutut ilmu, dan walaubagaimana sekali pn jangan ler kita lupa plk "HUTANG WAJIB DIBAYAR WALAU TIDAK DITUNTUT".

seperti yang aku jelaskan dalam previous article The Paper King, hutang adalah perkara yang mulia(nak tahu lebih lanjut kenalah baca article tue dlu).

"Educational loaD same as the other load that we learn in physic, a force(F) that acting in an axis(x,y,z), the sumation of F(x,y,z) equal to zero, F(x,y,z)=0"

So if your calculation was correct your debt become zero, but if your miscalculation your are zero, now that is my point. doesn't matter if they give you interest or discount, like I say in "The Paper King" it's still a DEBT.

For me discount and interest are the same, they both part of the financial derivatives and Warren Buffet say that "derivative is a weapon of mass destruction", why he say that "read his book".

sekarang nie soalannya berbunyi begini;

Kenapa MARA beri pengurangan bayaran, manakala PTPTN berikan interest?
Apakah tindakan kita to become free from all this debt?

and that should be a very long answer, klu nak tahu cam biasa ler.....tak dpt mcD mapler pn jadi lerrr.....hahaha

tapi mungkin Educational loaD nie boleh dibaratkan begini;

"A cargo ship that carry a tonne of load refill her fuel at full tank in a port in order to continue the duty, the fuel in a ballast tank now being transmitted to a daily tank for engine supply, the transmitted that involving suction and discharge in pipe system that causes by the pump, the efficient engine will burn less fuel to produce torque"

Imaging that you are the efficient engine, so the debt were not become a problem anymore.

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